The competences and missions of the Departmental Council have evolved and are now refocused on human and territorial solidarity.
Some of them have been transferred to the Brittany Region (school transport, intercity transport, island services) and some remain competences shared with other communities such as culture, sport, youth...
Recognised worldwide as one of the leading institutes in marine science and technology, Ifremer is committed to sustainable development and open science. Its 1,500 employees conduct research, produce expertise and create innovations to protect and restore the ocean, exploit its resources responsibly, share marine data and offer new services to all stakeholders.
The regional council of Brittany is the deliberative assembly of the French region of Brittany. The regional council is composed of 83 regional councillors elected for 6 years
Brest Metropole is a French metropolis located in the department of Finistère and in the region of Brittany.
Brest Métropole supports the organization of scientific events, the dynamism of research conducted in Brest.