Logo_final_pour_website_2.jpgWorkshop on TRACE metal SAMplers and sensORS


19th-21st sept. 2022, Pôle Numérique Brest Iroise

Plouzané, France



We were really pleased to receive you to the TRACESAMORS (TRACE metal SAMplers and sensORS) workshop !

We had the opportunity to promote multidisciplinary and multi-institutional research to instigate a much needed step change in the monitoring of trace metal dynamics in the marine environment.

photo groupe

photo group on line

It has also enabled the networking of knowledge on the methodologies currently used for in situ sampling and analysis of trace metals in different international laboratories.

It  took place in Plouzané at the Pole numérique Brest Iroise (PNBI) the 19th, 20th and 21st of september 2022 and in the Ifremer Brest Center for the visits. 

photo visitphoto visit 2

Thanks again to all of you for attending the meeting both virtually and on site 

We hope to see you all soon !!


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